Many decades (or even centuries) ago, families and heirs would be summoned to an attorney's office for the "reading of the Will". This was a procedure to inform interested parties regarding their inheritance rights and responsibilities. Contrary to popular belief, however, most modern estates do not have a "reading of the Will" procedure.
In Illinois, Wills become public records upon the death of the testator (the person who made the Will). And under Illinois law, the person holding the original Will must file the Will in Court upon learning of the testator's death.
If you have questions about the Illinois Probate process and would like to speak with an experienced Chicagoland area probate attorney, give us call at
(630) 898-4789 to set up a free initial consultation. Also, visit our page on the role of an Executor in an Illinois probate estate to learn more about Wills in Illinois.
Law Office of Kevin Williams - 2295 Bannister Lane, Aurora, IL 60504 - (630) 898-4789